Friday, July 1, 2011

Stick Boy, Justin Poo, Danger Girl, Monk, and Velcro

Do nicknames say more about the person who has the nickname or about the person who gives the nickname?

When CJ lived with us many years ago, we called him Stick Boy.  He was so skinny and was on the track team.  He literally looked like a stick figure running around the track and on the cross country courses.  We still call him that every once in a while, but it doesn't seem to fit as well now that he's about 6'2" and 200 lbs of muscle.

Justin has always had a nickname.  Justin's real name is Justin Paul, but he has often been called Justin Poo.  A cute little nickname, that like CJ's, doesn't really fit him now.  I remember one day we were teasing him a bit with his name calling him things like, Justin Case, Justin Time, etc.  CJ had a very clever moment and called him "Justin Poo-Paul Over." I admit that I'm giggling to myself right now. What can I say? I think it's funny. Justin didn't think it was.  Yes, we still call him Justin Poo and I think he tolerates it.

Maddie has had several nicknames.  Her Aunt Annie gave her the nickname Maddie Mo when she was about 18 months old and it sure has stuck.  A lot of people call her Maddie Mo.  When she was about three, we realized that she had no sense of self-preservation and started calling her Danger Girl. Between running into the Pacific Ocean naked in December when she was four, and sticking her hand in a cow's mouth at Wheeler Farm when she was five, I think Danger Girl was a good call. This year, Jeff has bestowed Maddie with yet another nickname -- Junior.  He is the only one who is allowed to call her that though.

Ryan began life as Bug or RyBug.  It fit until he, too, was about three and we identified that he also carried the Danger Gene and lacked a sense of self-preservation like his sister.  He then became Distructo Boy.  He had stitches on his forehead when he was two and knocked out three of his front teeth when he was three. Yep, Distructo Boy.  That lasted a while until he became Monkey Monk which was then shortened to just Monk.  I still call him that sometimes and he still answers. 

Grayson had a nickname before he was even born.  Maddie started calling him G-Man as soon as we decided on the name Grayson.  After he arrived he quickly earned the nickname Velcro.  He has this amazing ability to "stick" to another person.  He wraps his little legs and arms around you and won't let go and can't be shaken free.  It's almost creepy. This last year we've also been calling him Muggin.  This nickname came about because he would try to call people "Cotton Headed Ninny Muggin" (after an insult used in the Will Farrell movie Elf), but he would get it all mixed up and say "Cotton Headed Niggy Mutton."

I have two nicknames: Mean Mindy Jean and Bud.  I'll have to tell you about those in another post.

What's your nickname?

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