Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Open Letter to my daughter...

Dear Maddie,

Last week you turned 14.  It's hard for me to believe you are that old already.  I can still remember so clearly bringing you home from the hospital to Grandma Pat's, sitting on our bed and with tears running down my face saying to your dad, "I don't think I can do this."

It is an awesome responsibility to be a mother.  I wasn't sure then if I would be a good mom, and honestly, I still wonder that some days.  I hope that I have done you right and as you transition from being a little girl to a young woman that you will know that I have always done what I think is best for you and I have never tried to do you wrong.

I love that you cry at commercials and t.v. shows like "Little House on the Prairie." I love that you are passionate about your family and friends. I love that you experience life with wonder and emotion. I love that you are my friend. I love that you laugh out loud at funny things and don't hold back when you are excited about something.  I love that you and your brothers are friends and get along quite often.

When I was describing you to someone, they said, "She lives life in superlatives." That describes you so well!  Everything is the "best" or the "worst."  Right now, for you, there are no inbetweens.  You love it or your hate it.

Being 14 can be a challenge sometimes.  I know because I remember that time in my own life.  It has sometimes been frustrating to watch you be a little girl one minute (crying about a baby bird) and such a grown up the next (taking care of your brothers while I'm at work).  Sometimes I'm not sure who I'm dealing with - Maddie the little girl, or Maddie the young woman.  I hope that I can help you navigate this exciting and difficult time so that you don't have to experience too much heart ache.  I know I can't protect you from everything, and I don't think I would really want to, but I hope the transition to adulthood isn't too painful for you.

I love you Maddie Mo.  You make me happy.  I am so honored to be your mother.

Happy Birthday!



1 comment:

  1. I still think Jr. smells funny.... 143 to both of you

